Friday, October 22, 2010

The Lightning Thief (reviewed by L.E.)

My book, The Lightning Thief, is a book about a boy Percy and his friends Annabeth and Grover. Percy and Annabeth are half-bloods (children of a god) and Grover is a Satyr (Half goat and half human).The main conflict of this book is that Zeus’s master lightning bolt (The most powerful weapon in the world) gets stolen and Percy gets blamed for it. Now Percy’s quest is to go to the underworld and find the master bolt. But along the way they run into different gods, monsters, and clues to who took the master bolt and where it is.

The genre of this book is fantasy. One of my favorite things about this book is that the story is told by Percy. My favorite part was when Percy saw the three old ladies sitting down in rocking chairs knitting while staring at Percy! Scary right? I loved this book and recommend it to people who like to read wild adventurous books while learning about the Greek gods. This book is awesome!

Reviewed by L.E.

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