Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Boy Book by E. Lockhart (reviewed by VD)

Welcome to the Tate Universe (Tate is a small private school where everyone has known each other since kindergarten) world of Ruby Oliver lead character in The Boy Book. Living in Seattle on a house boat, seeing a shrink, being a junior at Tate, being an outcast (or as Ruby calls it a leper) this is the life of Ruby (aka Roo). Which you can read about in The Boyfriend List, The Boy Book, and The Treasure Map to Boys.

The story could best be summed up in a list( something Roo makes lots of) of who she is speaking to as this is about her life and relationships are a huge part of life. So without further ado who Ruby is and isn't speaking to:

Kim-former best friend-not speaking to, not even when she's back from Tokyo.

Cricket-former best friend-not speaking to.

Nora-former best friend- speaking to, sort of. They have talked but aren't calling each other or anything.

Noel-friend fellow member in the HRS-speaking, NOT dating.

Meghan- friend- speaking, but she has no one else.


Angelo-friend-no longer speaking.

Jackson- former boyfriend-NOT SPEAKING.

So, yeah Ruby's world is weird.But after the horror of last year (read the Boyfriend List for more) this is a lot of people to be talking to.

This is a great book that will make any teen/tween girl laugh. You should definitely read this book if you want something light and funny. It's no action adventure but its a page turner.


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